Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rugby Practice

On the 20th of july Thomas Cole and Adam came to Point View school to teach Room 21 how to play rugby.
Firstly Thomas showed us the correct way to pass a rugby ball then we played a game when we were in four groups of six. The aim of the game was to do as many passes around the rectangle as many times as you can without dropping the ball. While 3 groups were doing that, the other group was running around the groups doing the passing then they would jump over some pads and then ran into Adam (who was holding one of the pads). When all the team members had done that they would yell out stop and the groups doing passing would stop. The high score was by team 3 with 137 passes!

Then after that game, two teams joined together to make one team and the other two teams did the same. The game was rugby and netball combined so you were not aloud to move when you had the ball,you also had to do rugby passes not netball passes.The aim of the game was to get the ball to the person in the square when you got the ball to the person in the square it was a point unless the ball hit the ground before they got the ball.The wining team won 3-0 but over all we had a great time learning rugby skills with Adam and Thomas.


Nigel and Fergus (the best rugby player in the school)

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