Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We have fffiiiinaly started speeches (yyyyaaaaayyyy its time for celebration ....celebrate good time come on) anyway it started like 1 and a half weeks ago and they are sooooooooo good, well at least some of them are and some of them are very funny: joke: why did the orange stop rolling down the hill? Because it ran out of juice!!!!!! Hey why do gorrilas have big nostrils? Because they have big fingers!!!!!!!!!! Why did the robber have a shower? Because it wanted to get a clean getaway!!!!!! Anyway moving on. Everybody in each class did a speech it was a very hard desision but we finally chose the 2 people for the semi finals. The semi finals were on the 4th of August and there were a lot of very good speeches but only some could go through I (Harry) know a couple. Rama, Tashil, Nigel, Urvakhsh and some others but keep checking back because the finals are soon!!!!!!

By Harry

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